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The Cultural House - Shilparamam

8:03 AM
The very day I landed in the city early morning I went wandering the entire city, end to end. I went to three malls at extreme ends to catch up for a movie...

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Malaysia Budget Trip

3:59 AM
Here is presenting you yet another destination for budget travel. After your overwhelming response to the post on Sri Lanka under 20K, I now bring you Malaysia under 20K. Malaysia Truly Asia, Source:...

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About me

Nothing better than this blog can describe me well. I am a passionate craft lover, an avid traveler and an amateur photographer. I love meeting people, going places and also making friends. My traveling tale started when I was just 5 and my journey continues. The color, culture and traditions that I come across inspire my creations.

Contact me

You can drop me an email at adi.agarwala@gmail.com.

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